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Kuala Lumpur
March 13, 2019

Kindergarten Sports Day

The Kindergarten sports day at GIIS Kuala Lumpur campus was held in February 2019. It was a fun day focusing on promoting physical activity and healthy competition. Children and parents enthusiastically took part in sports activities.

The event began with a march past. The Principal, Mr. Harvendra Singh Khalsa and Director Mr. Manoj Nair declared the Sports Meet open by releasing birds to symbolize the free spirit of a child and the boundless potential to spread out their wings to explore the world around them.

The first event was the Sprint for KG 2 boys and girls. This was followed by the relay race. The class events started after the race. Children participated with great enthusiasm in the various fun games that the teachers had planned for them.

The Kindergarten events drew to a close with the Parents' and Grandparents' events taking the limelight after the little kindergarteners thrilled everyone with their energetic and spirited show.

With favourable climate, enthusiastic children and parents the Kindergarten sports day was a wonderful event.

Photo Album : https://photos.app.goo.gl/SgSWyJEn8Zf4myjh7
Photo Album : https://photos.app.goo.gl/rs9TVeYkWzcSVhaMA
Photo Album : https://photos.app.goo.gl/GmxnALZMGFirePgYA

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